Safe hea­ting water


Pro­ducts from ELYSATOR Engi­nee­ring AG are used to clean and tre­at water cir­cuits for tech­ni­cal pur­po­ses, such as tho­se found in hea­ting and coo­ling sys­tems, as well as in engi­ne cir­cuits on ships and in power plants.

Advan­ced hea­ting sys­tems need sui­ta­b­ly trea­ted water

Advan­ced hea­ting sys­tems are more eco­no­mic­al, effi­ci­ent and envi­ron­men­tal­ly respon­si­ble, but also more sen­si­ti­ve to poor hea­ting water qua­li­ty. Sludge, depo­sits, limes­ca­le and cor­ro­si­on dama­ge cau­se high ener­gy los­ses and expen­si­ve repairs in com­pact heat gene­ra­tors. Effi­ci­en­cy los­ses of 10–20 % may occur after just one year. Pro­ducts from ELYSATOR Engi­nee­ring AG impro­ve the effi­ci­en­cy and relia­bi­li­ty of advan­ced, eco­lo­gi­cal­ly sound hea­ting systems.

In order to vali­da­te hea­ting sys­tem gua­ran­tees, stric­ter stan­dards and gui­de­lines spe­ci­fy the use of water that has been sui­ta­b­ly treated.

You can read more about this in the Stan­dards sec­tion.

Cor­rect filling

Sys­tem water tre­at­ment redefined

Eco­lo­gi­cal and effi­ci­ent heating

Powerful pro­tec­tion

A new dimen­si­on of sys­tem protection

Effi­ci­ent flushing

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